Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
Text File
155 lines
/* Français Data & Highlights for FWCalendar 3.x */
Sunday$ = 'Dimanche'
Monday$ = 'Lundi'
Tuesday$ = 'Mardi'
Wednesday$ = 'Mercredi'
Thursday$ = 'Jeudi'
Friday$ = 'Vendredi'
Saturday$ = 'Samedi'
January$ = 'Janvier'
February$ = 'Février'
March$ = 'Mars'
April$ = 'Avril'
May$ = 'Mai'
June$ = 'Juin'
July$ = 'Juillet'
August$ = 'Août'
September$ = 'Septembre'
October$ = 'Octobre'
November$ = 'Novembre'
December$ = 'Décembre'
Backgrounds$ = 'Backgrounds'
Biweekly$ = 'Biweekly'
Bottom$ = 'Bottom'
BoxColor$ = 'B_ox:'
BoxDates$ = 'Box Dates'
Boxed$ = "Entourer par une _boîte:"
Calendar$ = 'Calendar'
Cancel$ = "_Annulation"
CantFind$ = "can't be found"
CantMatch$ = "The export file can't be the"||'0a'x||"same as the preferences file"
CantOpen$ = "can't be opened"
Center$ = 'Center'
Clear$ = 'Clear'
Colors$ = 'Colors'
Critical$ = 'Critical error'
DailyColors$ = 'Use daily colors'
Easter$ = 'Easter'
End$ = "Fin:"
EnterEvent$ = "Vous devez entrer un évènement..."
EnterEventInfo$ = "Écriver l'évènement:"
EnterStartdate$ = "Vous devez entrer la date du début..."
Event$ = "Événement:"
Export$ = 'E_xport'
ExportFile$ = 'Select export file:'
Exporting$ = 'Exporting'
Extended$ = 'Extended'
File$ = "Fichier:"
Font$ = 'Font:'
Fonts$ = 'Fonts'
ForDetails$ = 'for details'
ForwardContent$ = 'Forward contents of output to'
ForwardLog$ = 'Forward log file to'
Frequency$ = 'Frequency:'
GeneratingM$ = 'Generating %s %s calendar'
GeneratingY$ = 'Generating %s calendar'
GenMVars = 'Month.Month EnteredYear'
GenYVars = 'EnteredYear'
Highlights$ = 'Highlights'
Images$ = 'Images'
Julian$ = 'Julian'
JulJulLeft$ = 'Jul/Jul Left'
JulLeft$ = 'Jul Left'
Left$ = 'Left'
Line$ = "_Ligne:"
Load$ = '_Load'
MatchColors$ = 'Date Color = Highlight Color'
MiniCals$ = 'MiniCals'
MiscVar$ = 'Miscellaneous Variables'
Monthly$ = "_Mensuel"
MustUse$ = "You must use the gadget to"||'0a'x||"the right to select a font."
Noncritical$ = 'Noncritical warning'
None$ = 'None'
NotClear$ = '<'Clear$'> can only be used for "Background." variables...'
Notice$ = 'notice'
OK$ = "_Correct"
Once$ = 'Once'
Options$ = 'Options'
OptLayout$ = 'Options & Layout'
OrientMarg$ = 'Orientation & Margins'
Phases$ = 'Phases'
PleaseWait$ = 'Please wait'
PrepReq$ = 'Preparing requester'
ProcessEvents$ = 'Processing events'
Reset$ = '_Reset'
Right$ = 'Right'
RiseSet$ = 'Rise/Set'
See$ = 'see'
SeeOutput$ = 'see the output above for details'
SeeShell$ = 'see the shell output for details'
SelectFile$ = "Choisissez le fichier de donnée:"
SelectFont$ = 'Select font:'
Start$ = "Début:"
Sunrise$ = 'Sunrise'
Sunset$ = 'Sunset'
Tall$ = 'Tall'
TextColor$ = 'Text:'
Top$ = 'Top'
Unable$ = 'if you are unable to resolve the problem.'
VarGUITitle$ = 'Set desired variables:'
Variables$ = 'Variables'
Weekly$ = "Hebdomadaire"
Weeknumber$ = 'Weeknumber'
WholeYear$ = "A_nnée entière"
Wide$ = 'Wide'
ImageClass.Birthday = 'Birthday.iff'
ImageClass.Anniversaire = 'Anniversary.iff'
/* End Pass One - DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!!! */
/* January Highlights */
01Highlight.1.1 = "Jour de l'an#"
/* February Highlights */
02Highlight.2.14 = "Saint-Valentin"
/* Mars Highlights */
03Highlight.3.17 = "Saint-Patrick"
03CalculateDate(3, "Friday", 31, "Les rameaux") /* Dernier Dim de Mars */
/* May Highlights */
05CalculateDate(5, "Monday", 14, "Fête des mères") /* 2e Dim de Mai */
05Highlight.5.24 = "Victoria#"
/* June Highlights */
06CalculateDate(6, "Monday", 21, "Fête des pères") /* 3e Dim de Juin */
06Highlight.6.24 = "St-Jean Baptiste#"
/* July Highlights */
07Highlight.7.1 = "Fête du Canada#"
/* September Highlights */
09CalculateDate(9, "Tuesday", 7, "Fête du travail#") /* 1er Lun de Sep */
/* October Highlights */
10Highlight.10.11 = "Action de Grâce#"
10Highlight.10.31 = "Halloween"
/* November Highlights */
11Highlight.11.11 = "Jour du Souvenir#"
/* December Highlights */
12Highlight.12.25 = "Noël#"
12Highlight.12.26 = "Lendemain de Noël#"
/* Easter-based Highlights */
CalculateEDate(-46, "Ash Wednesday")
CalculateEDate(-7, "Palm Sunday")
CalculateEDate(-2, "Good Friday")
CalculateEDate(-3, "Holy Thursday")